3 Stories of Women Who Bought Businesses

February 6, 2023
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e're doing something a little different today.

I turned over the mic to Chelsea Wood, director of the Acquisition Lab.

The Lab's students are routinely 90% male, and Chelsea is eager to help balance that ratio out. She believes, as I do, that buying a business is an incredible path, equally so for women as for men.

So Chelsea and I recruited 3 different female searchers (2 of whom you may recognize) to talk about their experiences, with Chelsea moderating.

Chelsea has spoken to more searchers than even I have — in fact, many, many more searchers — so she knew exactly how to draw out key aspects of each panelist's story.

The result is a fascinating conversation between 3 entrepreneurs who've recently bought businesses.

Thank you Chelsea Wood for the idea and moderation of this panel. Without further ado, here's Chelsea:

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