Buying a Business to Escape the Middle Class

November 22, 2022
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Key Points From the Interview

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izBuySell for the win.

Today's guest Jordan Novgrod tried to "get upstream" on deal flow.

He scraped data, did broker outreach, iterated his methods.

But wouldn't you know it...

The $800k SDE business that he ultimately bought he found right on BizBuySell, sitting out there publicly for all to see.

Just goes to show that despite whatever sophisticated processes you develop for your search, always keep an eye on BizBuy (as some brokers call it).

Something else I want to call out about Jordan's story...

Acquisition entrepreneurship for Jordan is an escape from the middle class.

It's hard. It's a risk. He sold his house to enable himself to do it.

But he sees buying a small business as a uniquely powerful path to a level of wealth otherwise unattainable to most W2'd people.

And he has gone all-in to walk that path.

Here he is, Jordan Novgrod, owner of LT Engineering:


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August Felker is a 2-time successful searcher — first with a traditional search fund; the second time around, he did a self-funded search.

Today August runs Oberle Risk Strategies, an insurance firm with a dedicated practice group for searchers and acquisition entrepreneurs like you.

If you've got a business under LOI, Oberle will provide complimentary due diligence on that business's insurance and benefits program. A great, no-risk way to get to know August & team.

They love helping searchers; they've worked with hundreds. Oberle is a specialty insurance brokerage for searchers, by a former searcher.

Check out the Search Fund Team at Oberle.

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