Key Points From the Interview

am Turner returns today.
Recall from his first appearance last July, 2022, Sam left corporate to build a holdco of mechanical & electrical (M&E) businesses.
In that interview, he shared very clear goals:
To build a business in 5 years with £60m in revenue and 10% margins.
Well, 18 months later, and Sam reports that that goal has expanded.
Now it's £150m in revenue over 10 years.
(Which, by the way, would represent a £50m payday for Sam personally, if he exited at that size.)
I know you appreciate hard numbers; I do too.
So I love that Sam's are so concrete and that he shares them with us.
But, this interview is actually much more than just big numbers.
Sam shares his strategies around some of this biggest holdco themes: diversification, shared services, cross-selling.
We also discuss the psychology of small business.
Despite that headline number here of 150m, it has not been easy.
Sam recounts his own near-fetal position moments, which actually occurred soon after our first interview.
But listen for how he's evolved, and how he might react to similar challenges today, 18 months hence.
Please enjoy this excellent return by Sam Turner, owner of Advantos.