Key Points From the Interview
umana Sanjeeva bought an ecommerce business, then sold it one year later for over $5.5m, 5 times what she paid for it.
What an incredible return.
And if that weren't enough... Sumana was a novice.
She'd never even seen inside Amazon's Seller Central before taking the reins of her newly-acquired FBA business.
But as you'll hear, Sumana made a few wise, deliberate decisions that belied her inexperience in ecom and proved fundamental to her success.
Another element to Sumana's story:
She had owned 3 franchise locations before getting into ecommerce, so we delve into her thoughts on brick & mortar vs. ecommerce (a topic I chew on myself a lot).
And lastly, this is an immigrant success story.
Sumana and her husband arrived in the U.S. 25 years ago with 70 dollars between them.
From that, to acquiring & then selling a business for over 5 million dollars. Not bad!
Please enjoy my conversation with Sumana Sanjeeva:

August Felker is a 2-time successful searcher — first with a traditional search fund; the second time around, he did a self-funded search.
Today August runs Oberle Risk Strategies, an insurance firm with a dedicated practice group for searchers and acquisition entrepreneurs like you.
If you've got a business under LOI, Oberle will provide complimentary due diligence on that business's insurance and benefits program. A great, no-risk way to get to know August & team.
They love helping searchers; they've worked with hundreds. Oberle is a specialty insurance brokerage for searchers, by a former searcher.
Check out the Search Fund Team at Oberle.